4 The record articles

OSHA Requires Employers to Update Injury Tracking Application Through Login.gov

Posted: January 30th, 2023

Authors: Victoria S. 

Each year, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires all applicable employers to upload information to the Injury Tracking Application (ITA) by March 2. For the 2022 reporting year, OSHA has transitioned login information from individual accounts to “login.gov”. All applicable employers must update their accounts by March 2, 2023.  

OSHA will be transitioning its login procedure for employers that are required to use the OSHA ITA. This new procedure will utilize one single account to access the applications, login.gov, instead of individual accounts. All current and new account holders will be required to connect their ITA account to a login.gov account utilizing the same email address to access the application for reporting of 2022 calendar year Form 300A information. OSHA is encouraging all entities to review their published guidance on connecting your accounts. The changes to reporting will not affect the March 2 deadline and employers are encouraged to ensure their account access is up to date or risk failing to timely upload their Form 300A. 

The OSHA provided ITA website allows three options for injury and illness data submissions. The data may be transmitted by an application programming interface, manually entered, or by uploading a CSV file to add multiple entities concurrently. OSHA does not send out notifications to employers that are required to report the Form 300A data. Therefore, it is up to the employer to determine if they meet the industry and size reporting criteria. OSHA has a tool that can be used to determine if your employer is required to submit the data. The ITA Coverage Application found on the OSHA website uses the state, peak number of employees for the previous calendar year, if the establishment is a government facility, and NAICS code to determine if you are required to submit your 300A electronically. If you are in one of the 22 states with their own State Plan, reach out directly to state OSH office. An interactive map of these states with contact information can be found on the OSHA website, under the State Plans tab. 

More information, including step-by-step instructions and FAQs about creating a login.gov account can be found here: https://www.osha.gov/injuryreporting/faqs  

ALL4 provides Safety and Health and Industrial Hygiene services. If you have questions or need assistance with OSHA recordkeeping and reporting, please reach out to Victoria Sparks at vsparks@all4inc.com 


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