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610.933.5246Ryan Cleary
Consulting Scientist
Area Of Expertise
Air Quality Monitoring & Modeling
Hamilton College. B.A., Physics, 2001,The Pennsylvania State University M.S., Meteorology, 2003
Career Highlights
Ryan has 15 years of experience providing emissions development, air quality modeling, project management, and permitting services. Modeling support has included SMOKE emissions simulations development and inventory preparation for CMAQ and CAMx photochemical modeling, as well as AERMOD dispersion modeling and analysis for federal, state, and commercial clients. He has supported the U.S. EPA for 15 years, providing technical support and contract management, and has provided AERMOD code development and model evaluation for the U.S. EPA Air Quality Modeling Group in Research Triangle Park.
Central North Carolina Chapter of the American Meteorological Society
Get to know Ryan
1. Have you ever had a nickname (or two)? If so, what are/were they?
“Cleary” just seemed to stick – no bonus points for creativity there.
2. When you were 8 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Astronaut, but then I realized I was afraid of heights.
3. What about ALL4 has surprised you the most?
The social media presence. It’s exciting to see updates on co-workers.
4. What was the most memorable Halloween costume you ever wore?
The Hamburgler.
5. Stick shift or automatic?
Automatic. Never had the chance to learn stick shift.
6. Who is the most famous person you have ever met?
Wayne Gretzky.
7. Do you have any hidden talents that people you meet would not expect?
I’m pretty good at identifying international flags.
8. What would you like to become known for at ALL4?
Honesty and dependability.
9. If you were stranded on an island, what are three things you couldn’t live without?
A deck of cards, my Oilers hat, and the Hidden Immunity Idol.
10. What is the one thing that most attracted you to ALL4?
The opportunity for professional growth.