Karun Chandran

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Karun Chandran

Senior Managing Consultant

Building Illinois, US - Regional Support
Contact Karun

Area Of Expertise

Digital Solutions


Central Michigan University, Bachelor of Science in Philosophy (2006) / Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science (2011)

Career Highlights

Karun Chandran is a Senior Managing Consultant in the Digital Solutions practice. He started his career working as a Business Analyst in Health Care working on supporting and implementing software for ERP, timekeeping, and electronic records. From there Karun further specialized in ERP software implementation for HR, Payroll, and Expense for public sector clients. Since then, he has worked on implementations in the role of Business Analyst and Project Manager across several industry verticals. Most recently Karun has been working as a Project Manager in the EHS space.

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Get to know Karun

Have you ever had a nickname (or two)? If so, what are/​were they?

No nicknames that have stuck.

When you were 8 years old, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted, more than anything to be some combination of Paleontologist and Veterinarian.

What about ALL4 has surprised you the most?

How outgoing everyone is. I have never been more warmly welcomed at a company in my first week.

What was the most memorable Halloween costume you ever wore?

When I was 8 I dressed up as Gandalf (the white) – but since this was before any major films had been released, most people had no idea who I was. A close second place is when I went as the Man in a Bowler hat from Magritte’s painting “The Son of Man” – complete with apple floating in front of my face.

Stick shift or automatic?

automatic – never had a chance to learn shift

Who is the most famous person you have ever met?

I once rode an escalator behind David Carradine – though never actually talked to him. I met Ed Greenwood at a convention and had a very strange and memorable conversation with him.

Do you have any hidden talents that people you meet would not expect?

I have a higher than average ability to retain useless information. Great for when trivia nights come up.

What would you like to become known for at ALL4?

I love to learn new things and am always interested in picking up a new skill. I’d love to develop a skill set that would make me a reliable jack-of-all trades on the digital solutions team.

If you were stranded on an island, what are three things you couldn’t live without?

A solar powered electronic repository of every book, song, or film; a functioning replicator from Star Trek; Batman’s utility belt

What is the one thing that most attracted you to ALL4?

How everyone I talked to absolutely loved it here. It speaks to a great company culture.

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