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What’s New with Vermont Air Emissions Registration?

Posted: March 18th, 2021

Authors: John H. 

Air Emissions Registration (Registration) is a process where owners or operators of a facility that is a source of ambient air pollutant emissions (air emissions) will estimate its calendar year air emissions and report them to their respective air pollution control agency.  Registration is regulated in Vermont by Subchapter VIII of the Vermont Air Pollution Control Regulations (APCR).  Vermont facility owners or operators are required to estimate, register, and pay a fee for their air emissions with the Vermont Air Quality & Climate Division (AQCD) annually.

The AQCD launched an online Registration platform earlier this year and is requiring facilities to register their air emissions through the platform.  Historically, Registrations were required to be submitted by February 1st, but this year an extension was granted given the rollout of the online platform; therefore, facility owners or operators are required to register their 2020 air emissions by April 2nd and submit payment by May 15th.


If your facility has Construction or Operating Permits for operations that produce air emissions issued by the AQCD, you must register.  If you are currently registering, you should have received email notification of the new registration procedure.  If you suspect your facility is required to register and you did not receive an email notification, you can email the AQCD at ANR.AirRegistration@vermont.gov.

There are two Registration categories.  If your facility emits less than five tons per calendar year of air emissions, you must complete a “quick registration” and if your facility emits equal to or more than five tons of air emissions, you must complete a “full registration.”

According to 5-802(1) of the APCR, air emissions include “any or all air contaminants,” and an “air contaminant” includes “dust, fumes, mist, smoke, other particulate matter, vapor, gas, odorous substances, or any combination thereof.”  More specifically, an air contaminant would include the U.S. EPA Criteria Pollutants and Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP), as well as Vermont Hazardous Air Contaminants (HAC).  Examples of commonly estimated air emissions are particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and carbon monoxide (CO).


You can start the Registration process at this web address: https://dec.vermont.gov/air-quality/point-source-registration.  From this location, you can access web pages to create an online account, fill out the forms that are required for your facility, and submit online payment.

If you would like to learn more about how Registration fees are calculated, you can access the Registration fee schedule from this web address: http://dec.vermont.gov/air-quality/permits/permit-fees.  The AQCD is not proposing changes to its fee structure at this time.

If you have any questions about the air emissions Registration changes, please reach out to John Hinckley at jhinckley@all4inc.com or by phone at (802) 359 -7294.


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