4 The record articles

Upcoming Changes to ECMPS – ECMPS 2.0

Posted: February 1st, 2022

Authors: Aditya S. 

The Clean Air Markets Division (CAMD) is replacing the Emission Collection and Monitoring Plan System (ECMPS) with a new web-based platform – ECMPS 2.0. This transition is part of U.S. ongoing efforts to reengineer the CAMD Business Suite of tools to streamline reporting and enhance public accessibility.

What are the key changes?

The existing ECMPS is a desktop-based reporting tool used to submit 40 CFR Part 75 Electronic Data Reports (EDR) and Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) compliance reports. With ECMPS 2.0, U.S. EPA is transitioning from a desktop software to a web application. Each type of required record (e.g., a monitoring plan, quality assurance and certification activities, etc.)  will be evaluated and submitted through the new web application in a new file format.

Reporting platform: The existing ECMPS is a desktop-based reporting tool used with a shared or standalone database. Installing and running ECMPS requires dependencies and constant upkeep. ECMPS 2.0 is a web-based tool that can be accessed through a browser. CAMD expects this platform to be more streamlined and user friendly. Furthermore, the new platform will have additional functionality to allow multiple facility users to access records simultaneously.

Reporting format: The current ECMPS tool supports the XML file format. ECMPS 2.0 is built to support the JSON file format, which is more efficient and compact.

How will the transition affect how facilities report data?

While the reporting tool interface is undergoing significant changes, there are no changes being made to the reporting requirements. In other words, the same data will be reported but in a different format through a new web-based interface. No additional data quality or data integrity checks will be added to the new platform.

Your data acquisition and handling system (DAHS) vendor(s) will play a key role in this transition. DAHS vendors will be evaluating a re-configuration of their application to adapt to the new reporting file format (JSON) and test the functionality so that facilities are able to migrate to ECMPS 2.0 without delays. If you have not heard from your DAHS vendor about this change, we suggest giving them a call!

When will this transition take place?

While the schedule for the release is subject to change, U.S. EPA is currently targeting for all facilities using ECMPS to report through the ECMPS 2.0 platform starting January 1, 2023. Barring any delays from U.S. EPA, facilities should plan to submit EDR through ECMPS 2.0 in the JSON format supported by the platform.

U.S. EPA has stated that they are unable to support a dual submission window where facilities can submit reports in both the XML file format and the JSON format. Facilities should be prepared to report first quarter 2023 EDR on the new platform.

The initial beta release for the monitoring plan functionality of ECMPS 2.0 is available on the beta release webpage. The beta releases for Quality Assurance and Emissions modules are planned for early to mid-2022.

So, what should your next steps be?

It’s important to talk to your DAHS vendor about the upcoming changes to ECMPS and make sure your expectations are aligned with the DAHS vendor’s schedule to implement these changes. It will be important to test the new functionality in your DAHS so that there are no surprises when generating and submitting reports in the new format for EDR.

There are a lot of moving parts to this transition. CAMD is seeking feedback from users and making updates to the new system. The scheduled release dates may be revised depending on user feedback. Tutorials and reporting instructions under the new platform will be released in 2022. Facilities should keep up to date on the latest developments. Visit CAMD Re-engineering Effort and ECMPS Reengineering Information to learn more about this transition and to view the latest documentation. ALL4 will continue to monitor the U.S. EPA website and keep up to date on the transition.

Before you go – how might U.S. EPA’s efforts to reengineer data systems impact the regulated community?

Redesigning ECMPS is another avenue for U.S. EPA to make environmental compliance data more accessible and transparent through modern technologies. Although all of the data submitted through ECMPS is currently publicly available, the platform for accessing this information is not very user-friendly. ECMPS 2.0 will allow the public to view the same data as a facility’s Designated Representative.

U.S. EPA is also replacing Air Markets Program Data (AMPD) with an improved tool –Clean Air Markets Program Data (CAMPD), which is expected to provide easier access to power sector emissions, allowance, and compliance data. The agency is also enhancing the Application Programming Interface (API) functionality that allows external tools or services to communicate with CAMPD.

This is a good opportunity to review and audit the continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS) CEMS data that is submitted as part of your report and evaluate your facility’s EDR development process. If you have any questions regarding the upcoming changes to ECMPS or anything related to 40 CFR Part 75 EDR, feel free to contact your ALL4 Project Manager or Aditya Shivkumar.


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