Recipes for Environmental Regulatory Compliance
Posted: October 21st, 2015
Author: All4 StaffThere is a certain group of people in the world who truly try to make the world a better place. Those people are sometimes considered teachers, healthcare professionals, politicians, researchers, and public servants. In addition, there is another group of individuals who truly make my world a better place. Those people brew beer, bake cookies, and fry chips.
Unfortunately making my world a better (and more delicious) place does not exempt you from environmental permitting. Most food or beverage manufacturing facilities are comprised of engines, boilers, tanks, and several other potential emissions units. No matter how big or small your food or beverage facility is, your facility may potentially have environmental reporting and/or recordkeeping requirements.
Some of the most commonly overlooked reporting requirements are RICE MACT and Boiler MACT.
What’s RICE MACT? RICE MACT refers to the National Emission Standards for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (RICE). RICE MACT potentially applies to any stationary reciprocating internal combustion engine (i.e., engines/generators, fire pumps, water pumps, compressors, etc.).
What’s Boiler MACT? Boiler MACT refers to the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters. Boiler MACT potentially applies to industrial, commercial, or institutional boilers.
Are you completely confused yet? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Feel free to send me an email or comment below with your questions! We understand every facility is unique in their own way and look forward to hearing from you.