ISO 14001 Compliance – What Tool Do You Use to Comply With “Legal and Other Requirements”?
Posted: July 18th, 2012
Author: All4 StaffIn order to be in compliance with ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems), facilities must establish, implement, and maintain procedures to identify and have access to applicable legal requirements related to environmental aspects (i.e., Section 4.3.2: legal and other requirements). The Environmental Management System must further ensure that information maintained with regard to legal requirements is kept up to date. Did you know that EnviroReview, ALL4’s environmental regulatory consulting service, can easily meet the “legal and other requirements” for you? EnviroReview includes a monthly consulting call and a facility-specific, multimedia regulatory report.
The purpose of the EnviroReview consulting call is to support environmental professionals with additional high level perspective on recent environmental regulatory activity which compliments their customized EnviroReview report. The call can involve the main EnviroReview contact only, a subset of your environmental staff, or all of your EnviroReview subscribers.
The EnviroReview report is a customized, tabular monthly report, keeping you up-to-date on the latest environmental regulatory changes (i.e., final rules, proposed rules, notices, amendments, etc.). The customization of the EnviroReview report is based on the completion of an applicability questionnaire. Our team of environmental consultants reviews monthly environmental regulatory activities and summarizes the actions that may impact your facility(s). The report also includes a hyperlink to the full regulatory text of the action, should the environmental professional be interested in learning more about the regulatory change. The EnviroReview report is organized by media: water, waste, air, and miscellaneous. ALL4 truly customizes your EnviroReview reports so that environmental professionals know exactly what regulations will impact their company, at the Federal, state and local level.