4 The record articles

ALL4’s: Is That Your Final Answer?

Posted: August 27th, 2012

Author: All4 Staff 

Last Month’s Answer and Winner:

There were multiple correct answers to last month’s rainbow question but it was Bridgette Rillema of Zeeland Farms who, recalling her high school senior physics project, answered that the second rainbow has its colors reversed.  Congratulations to Bridgette and thanks for those who participated in the contest.


As you may recall, the basis for last month’s question evolved from my annual trip to Niagara Falls, and even though I know the route by heart, I always consult a worn Rand McNally map before making the trip.  The consultation is more by habit than necessity as global positioning apps on my phone or in my car makes getting to my destination almost flawless.  But GPS apps won’t help you with the August “Is That Your Final Answer” question.  Most likely you will need an “old fashioned” map to discern the correct answer to the August question.  All of the borders between states in the continental United States follow rivers, other geographic boundaries, or surveyed straight lines; however, there is one location where the border between two states is a perfect arc centered on a radius of 12 miles.  Our question requires that you name the two states where the arc serves as the state border.  And for extra recognition in next month’s blog post, name the patch of land that, until 1921, was disputed as a result of this arc.  So pull out those old National Geographic United States maps or Exxon road maps and good luck!


Please e-mail your answer to final.answer@all4inc.com.  Include in the e-mail your name, answer, and address (to receive your prize).

ALL4’s Final Answer is a monthly feature of our Blog Digest.  It is designed to test your knowledge across the environmental field, quiz you on the building blocks of air quality rules, stump you on ALL4 general trivia, and challenge you with brain teasers that have perplexed us.  The first correct answer e-mailed to us will qualify the respondent for free ALL4 gear and will enter the winner in our end-of-the year “Final Answer Championship.”  The subsequent month’s Final Answer will identify the winner and the correct answer from the previous month’s question.  You must be an active subscriber of ALL4’s Blog Digest to win a monthly prize and be eligible for the championship prize.  ALL4 employees and family members are not eligible to compete.  Hope you enjoy this feature and good luck!


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